Restoring Landscapes: When Entrepreneurship Meets the Protection of Forest Ecosystems

Kinshasa, 25 novembre 2024

SODEFOR, known as having a long history in sustainable forest management, was invited on November 25 by the Swedish Government to participate in the "Development Talks" on the theme "Restoring landscapes through entrepreneurship".

This initiative of the Swedish Government was part of the workshop to present the results of the scholarship students.

This unique opportunity allowed us to discuss and share concrete examples of how wise management of natural resources can not only protect nature but also increase household and business incomes. Our discussions highlighted the importance of entrepreneurship in landscape restoration and conservation.

In-depth discussions on biodiversity protection also took place, highlighting the need for synergy between all local development actors, including communities that depend on local resources. The evening was enriched by the presentations of the participants of the LoCoFoRest programme, led by the Swedish Forestry Agency (LoCoFoRest in English) - Skogsstyrelsen. These contributions offered valuable insights into best practices and innovations in forestry.

We warmly thank the Swedish government for this invitation and look forward to future collaborations to further promote sustainable and environmentally friendly forestry."
